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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-11-20编辑:hynh1021点击率:4309

论文字数:13900论文编号:org201211152018366982语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66





      Chapter 1 Introduction引言
  1.1 Background of the study研究背景
  Nowadays, science and technology develop rapidly. Facing the society with fast development, peoplehave to learn through their own life. Life-long Education is necessary for people to live in the modernsociety. Now, all the knowledge cannot be taught by the teachers at school. And what the students havelearned at school is not enough to meet their needs of survival and development in the later life. Not onlythe students, but all the people alive should learn to develop and improve themselves. Only the people orthings that are best adapted to their surroundings will continue to exist. So education should run throughone’s life, not only for hunting for a job.Autonomous learning is a new demand on English teaching because of science and technologydevelopment. Meanwhile, it is essential requirements of New Curriculum Reform. In the traditionalteaching, the students are passive to receive knowledge. They just learn what the teacher teaches in class.Without the help of a teacher, they do not know how to probe into something new and difficult themselves.Certainly, they make progress slowly. https://www.51lunwen.org/czyylw/org201211152018366982.html Obviously, it is necessary to change the traditional teaching. TheNew Curriculum Reform puts forward the teaching idea of “fostering learner autonomy”. What we shoulddo first is to know about the current situation of autonomous English learning of the students, then toanalyze the result and find out the factors affecting the students’ autonomous English learning, and the lastis to give some practical suggestions to the English leaning and teaching, to improve the students’ ability ofautonomous English learning.
  1.2 The motivation and objectives of the investigation调查的动机和目标
  In the 1980s, Henri Holec introduced “learner autonomy” to the field of second language pedagogy, asa conceptual tool to discuss alternatives to the traditional teaching. From then on, autonomous learning hasbeen a hot topic in the field of education. Educationists in the west advocate the development of learnerautonomy as an education goal. As an old Chinese saying goes that teaching a person how to fish is betterthan only offering him the fish. In 2001, Chinese Education Ministry promulgated Basic EducationTaking Xindian No. 1 Junior High School for example, the present paper aims to investigate the stateof autonomous English learning of the students. The major objectives are to study the current situation ofautonomous English learning of the students in Junior High School in towns; to discover the differencesamong the students of three grades in English learning autonomy and the differences between the topstudents and the underachievers; and to seek the factors affecting the students’ autonomous learning; andthen give some suggestions to the teachers and students, in order to improve students’ English level intowns.
  1.3 The Overall Structure of the thesis
  The thesis mainly consists of 5 chapters. In chapter 1, it introduces the research background,motivation and objectives, and the overall structure of the thesis. Chapter 2 is concerned with the literaturereview. It refers to the brief reviews of autonomous learning, humanistic psychology and cognitive theoryon autonomous learning, and the students’论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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